Get started on the journey from where you are to where you're designed to be!
Selah Circle Membership
Choose now to listen to that whisper inside you that says,
"You can have as much of God or as little of Him as you want."
Have a dream you’ve never pursued? Need help taking a step of faith? Need confidence to do the very thing you believe you are called to do? And what about everyday life? Are you feeling stuck or disappointed? Are you wondering if you’re getting all there is or if God is nudging you onto something else you haven’t yet identified?
Join Sherry Boykin’s Selah Circle membership group where you’ll get encouragement, help and community bent on living life well in Christ. What we do is simple, but what we use is priceless–God’s Word to us, God’s work in us, and practical ways to use what He has already given.
Sherry is a woman on a mission to help you be all God intends you to be. You’ll practice paying attention to what God is doing in your life and you’ll find actionable ways of advancing along the path meant specifically for you. No more wondering what might have happened if only you had trusted God. No more wondering if you’re good enough or deserving enough for what you desire. No more wondering if it’s too late.
Sherry is a recovering old maid, wife, mom, survivor of chronic illness and abuse, is experienced in inner-city and suburban ministries and is a former missionary to the Peruvian Amazon jungle. She has learned to trust God for otherwise impossible things and is a woman stretched to the ultimate edge of reasonability in the area of forgiveness. She knows how to step into the reckless abandon of big faith for big results.
Sherry is devoted to using the Word of God and coupled with 40 years of experiences that would curl your hair, she has learned the essential art and wisdom of changing perspectives. And that, she will excitedly share with you.
Join us now in The Selah Circle.