What Grace Looks Like (Prodigal Pilates, Part 4)
It looks like the bishop scene in the movie version of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables (Columbia/TriStar Pictures, 1998). The bishop in that scene demonstrates what Christ, "the true elder brother" did…
It looks like the bishop scene in the movie version of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables (Columbia/TriStar Pictures, 1998). The bishop in that scene demonstrates what Christ, "the true elder brother" did…
I just realized the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal sonS is an even bigger jerk than I thought a week ago. Notice how the presence of the elder…
Good Friday. Besides the redemptive act of the just dying for the unjust (that is, Jesus Christ dying for YOU and ME), there is something that distinguishes this Friday from all others, and…
This spring some friends and I are stretching ourselves through the parable of the prodigal son (or more correctly, the parable of the two lost sons) as we simultaneously read Timothy Keller's,…
One day while I sped across town to meet one of three or four girls I mentored, I felt a sudden, overwhelming, almost debilitating exhaustion. The thought of going home, crawling in bed, and hiding under the covers for the rest of my life was strangely comforting. I wondered if I were having a panic attack. (more…)
In our first six months of marriage my husband never actually told me he hated it when I spent so much time getting our place together to host someone that I was too exhausted to enjoy their visit. …