Redeeming the Sound of My Faith
For those who have at some time awakened to find themselves clapping when there was no music–a song of praise and deliverance.
O to be swept into worship
With that rhythmic gospel
That my soul longs to offer back to my God.
For it is He who has made my heart
To beat to the very music of His word
And who has made my feet dance
To the celebration of His goodness and glory.
Great, grand voices that dig deeply into each word
Proclaiming and celebrating a personal encounter with the King of kings
Despite daily struggles with the Prince of darkness,
Scrape the sod off my heavy, downtrodden spirit,
And in a renewed lightness, with each crescendo,
I clap my hands even louder in amen agreement.
If I try to contain the song that is on my lips
When I hear of the many things “written aforetime for our learning”,
The very tears of my eyes cry out in protest,
For it is He who created me and the sound of my faith.
He who created me and the sound of my faith
Has sent me to a foreign land
To be swept into worship with a sweet, strange melody
In which my soul struggles to find release.
My heart searches for and my feet seek that which is muzzled
In a quieter, more subdued proclamation of truth, and so
In my heart I run to and fro, desperately looking for a way, a place, a means to celebrate.
And then it hits me. This is my portion.
But shall my heart beat silently to the music of His word?
Shall my feet cease to dance within my shoes?
When my downtrodden yet redeemed soul is scraped clean and given hope
By the “patience and comfort of the Scriptures,” I will indeed shout, “Amen!”
For my tongue will not be bound. I will indeed clap, for my hands will not be stilled.
I will learn to rejoice in this, my portion.
Shall I, therefore, still desire to be swept into that rhythmic gospel
That my soul longs to offer back to my God?
Yes, yes, yes, forever!
For it is He who created me and the sound of my faith.
Absolutely!!! Loved this, Sherry Boykin….thank-you….Bless you!!
Thank you, Colleen. I hope many are blessed by it!
Love it!
I know you do, Sue! Thank you.
Awesome song of praise! I will dance with you sista!
Amen and Amen!