An old man is shocked when an angel tells him he and his post-menopausal wife will soon have a baby. A young girl is puzzled when she learns that in her virginity she will soon conceive and bear a son. A young man’s fears are relieved when he finds his fiancée is not pregnant by another man. A selfish king’s plans to kill the Messiah are thwarted, and instead, the king himself is dead a short while later.
All the twists and turns in the Christmas story labyrinth come together in an unforgettable, unrivaled, unimaginable display of God’s intervening hand in the affairs of men . . . all to give us a Savior.
This is the true gift of Christmas.
Accept it.
Amen and amen!
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. ~ Luke 2:11