Building a relationship with God and living life based on the dynamics revealed through that relationship.

A Call to Biblical Manhood: Whose job is it to keep his pants up?

SOMEONE, help me with this–please! Just how responsible are women for maintaining the sexual purity of men? If you’ve ever been part of an institution that requires its girls or women to present themselves as if they’ve shopped at the mercantile and spruced up at the apothecary, you know what I mean. (more…)

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Relationships in The Wild: BUT-Kickers seminar, week 6

On Sunday we finished our BUT-Kickers seminar with one last look at “Relationships in the Wild.” And after six weeks of hanging out in the Book of Judges I was ashamed to admit I was still outraged over the heinous, unbridled acts of depravity found in its pages. (more…)

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How to Make Sense of Your Hard Times or Your Difficult Past, BUT-Kickers seminar, week 4

Today we revisited the story of Samson’s wife from Judges 13-15. This time we compared our takeaways from last week with testimonials from our own lives, and talked about how we have seen God use heinous acts perpetrated against us, or our disappointments, or devastations to help someone else. (more…)

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Jumping Off That High Horse: A necessary exercise for combating heart trouble

I had to blow the dust off my copy of Timothy Keller’s, The Prodigal God this week, because I realized the lessons I thought I learned from this revolutionary book were getting lost in my personal rage as I read through the Book of Judges. (more…)

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How to Make Sense Out of Your Hard Times or Your Difficult Past: But-Kickers seminar, week 3


Today we jumped into the story of Samson’s wife, another unnamed woman in the Book of Judges—a book overflowing with unusual, unthinkable stories about women. (more…)

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