God Can Use Anything to Put You On Someone Else’s Heart
It might just be your name . . . When I arrived on campus for my first semester of Bible college, a wild car accident had left me with a…
Building a relationship with God and living life based on the dynamics revealed through that relationship.
It might just be your name . . . When I arrived on campus for my first semester of Bible college, a wild car accident had left me with a…
I sped down 38th Street on my way to meet one of three or four girls I mentored. My college student staple--a pizza pretzel in a white paper bag, sat…
NO WAY was I going to be a foreign missionary as a single woman!!! I didn't want to end up a strange, cat-hoarding old lady with a bun on top…
I stood still and stared at this sculpted masterpiece in New York City’s Battery Park this week. Something about it made me want to cry and something about it made…
When God moves, He moves. And I'm so very grateful for that--a little stuck, perhaps, but grateful just the same.Every woman in Scripture I've ever spoken about eventually comes to…
When I was seven years old, I heard the word epilogue for the very first time. I remember it so clearly because we were all at my great-grandparents’ house where…
I was so proud of myself that I straightened my posture until I was a full six inches taller than normal. I was on my first Amazon River trip to…
Why Speaking the Truth in Love Might Be the Same as a Tongue-Lashing