Does Speaking the Truth in Love Have to Sound Mousy?
Why Speaking the Truth in Love Might Be the Same as a Tongue-Lashing
Why Speaking the Truth in Love Might Be the Same as a Tongue-Lashing
Ten years ago this month I stood on the kitchen chairs, sang, and did "The Chicken Dance" after seeing double lines darken on my Dollar Tree-brand pregnancy test. Two years earlier…
“What are you afraid of?” our small group leader asked one night.
“That once it’s all said and done,” I whispered, “no one will have heard my voice.”
Do we choose words this wisely? Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy with this last speech of his--given just one day before his assassination:
I thought I’d re-share my New Year’s post from last year and encourage you to burn your own pilatos later tonight like we will. I’ll check back in soon and let you know how ours turns out.
An old man is shocked when an angel tells him he and his post-menopausal wife will soon have a baby. A young girl is puzzled when she learns that in her virginity she will soon…
I am fit to be tied every single time I hear someone steal God's glory by claiming that God no longer performs miracles today. These perpetrators usually have seven letters after their name, and…
If you google Broadway you get a gazillion hits about great New York City theatre, casting directors, and superstar bios.