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Thank God I’m Not 25 Anymore! 5 reasons to celebrate coming of age

In honor of my 52nd year, here’s why coming of age is worth celebrating:



People ask what you think and actually listen when you tell them. 



You can and do laugh out loud about all the stuff you swore you’d never do or say to your kids. 



You realize life is so much more fun when you’re not concerned about waxing your forearms.



You see the irony in thinking everyone is laughing at you when you discover no one is even thinking about you.



You actually have your sandwiches with bread.





Sherry Boykin

Sherry Boykin helps Christian women transform their lives through the perspective-shifting power of story.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Happy Birthday, Sherry! Fifty-something somehow slips up on us . . . and maybe not taking ourselves so seriously is one of the perks. Love your sense of humor!

  2. Sherry Boykin

    Thanks, Sarah; birthdays are fun! When I hear people complaining about being another year older, I wonder if they’d prefer the alternative!

    1. Sherry Boykin

      And who says red hats don’t match purple dresses, anyway?

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